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Steven boosted

this is a comfy respite from the Discourse™

no clout chasing, no posturing, no big empty void

just a friendly intimate authentic space

*breathes a sigh of relief, flexes fingers, and stretches arm behind back*

space is the place...

and this is a nice place :D

@flancian i like seeing your posts more frequently than I would on Twitter


This isn't an airport, no need to announce your departure.

Steven boosted

despite having 15x more twitter followers than fediverse followers, i get more interaction on fediverse than twitter


@urshanabi its crazy. Pretty good argument for fediverse.

@Connor I kinda hate group chats ngl. Would prefer it if everyone i knew got on Twitterkin microblogging sites

Just so yall know everything posted here is still public but requires a click through On the landingpage

Steven boosted

Does blocking a domain block all users in that domain from following me?

> nodding
Ty for the legibility. Indexed thusly.

I just may venture into realms of great suffering. Twitter ain't seen shit.

@pee_zombie this makes me feel things but idk if I 'like' it 🥴

Enjoying the sense of space here.

Here's a thought, you can tell much about how your voice is being received based on the size of the room.

Bigger room, you don't know who heard you. Smaller room, everyone heard you.

Immediacy in feedback has different properties in room size. Silence is signal.

@protoneutype re buddha posting these folk need some transpersonal and awareness boosting realization tools, how else are they going to become high resolution ppl

We need intrepid explorers to connect us with the best other federations out there.

@protoneutype this was a shit post but now I'm starting to take it seriously.

@protoneutype yeah it does feel gentler on the good ol attentional systems

@pee_zombie i like dry stuff. I don't really even have the language to describe mead but what I've tried tastes medicinal??

and by wholesale denial I mean denial by elite and platform owners

if we had tools for nebulous community idenification and then affordances to follow or block i think it would self manage

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a Schelling point for those who seek one