@parafactual reasonable
@parafactual yeah its been a hot minute since i last saw a nazi on the internet
not sure how ironic theyre being about it
@parafactual he lost weight, he is now either medium yud or long yud
@jdp @pee_zombie @ersatz thank machine doggo
@parafactual were a bit more literal about shitposts here
@notes why does this sound like boss music
Been thinking about the standard scam mechanic - open with a call that only the naive and overtrusting will answer, then exploit the mark’s trust to siphon their money away to you.
I think there are similar patterns that select the overly thoughtful and conscientious to suck away their time and energy - recommending that someone put together a bureaucratic task force to address an issue they find urgent, for example.
@flancian @SocialCoop @pee_zombie oh it might be that all of my toots are from before social.coop and schelling.pt federated together, which likely happened quite recently
@flancian @SocialCoop i, too, am new here and have no idea whats going on
@pee_zombie do you know?
today in good wikipedia articles: linguistic example sentences
@amir @pareinoia @TetraspaceGrouping you can also toss in some vegetables, meat, cheese, and/or spices
i prefer spinach+cheddar+garam masala myself, but there are other ways to do it
@pareinoia im wheezing